Office Hours
We’re taking you behind the scenes of brand podcasting.
With Lower Street’s monthly Office Hours events, you can sit back and enjoy a presentation by an industry expert—then it’s your turn. We’ll open the floor for a live Q&A.
Get the answers you need. Get the podcasting know-how to go from great to good. Register for free now.
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Next up in April: Grow Your Podcast Ad-Free
Looking to ways to grow your podcast, outside of just buying ads? You're in luck. Lower Street’s Head of Audience Development, Hannah Southern, is here to show you how to grow your podcast audience—without just putting in cash and hoping for the best.
We’re talking real, organic strategies that bring in your target listeners. The ones who love your show, hit subscribe, and keep coming back. Hannah’s covering everything you need to know, including podcast PR strategies, how to leverage your existing channels and audience, discoverability tips for SEO and distribution.
She'll break down the best practices to get you started, key strategies to keep you going, and answer your questions along the way. It's time to grow your show sustainably, with strategies that last.
Every Month, We’re Bringing You More
Once a month, we’re opening our doors for a one-hour session to answer your most pressing questions about brand podcasting.
Each Office Hours will feature insights from a brand podcasting expert, then the line is open for you to ask, and us to answer. How do you really make your brand podcast stand out? What do you need to know before hiring an agency? What does it really take to launch a podcast?
We’ll send out an email with the details of every month’s event. Do your best to catch us live, but if you can’t we’ll save you a replay.
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Meet Our Experts
We couldn't be more excited about our lineup.
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